Be My AI
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May 1, 2024

  • User message, picture. Open image in a new tab.
  • Be My AI: The image shows a sculpture of a man seated on a chair, made from various materials. The man is wearing a textured turquoise shirt and beige pants. His face and hands are crafted in a plain, light beige color. The face has minimal features: outlined eyes, a nose, and a mustache, all in a golden hue. The chair appears to be made from a wire mesh, and there's a noticeable hole in the mesh right where the stomach of the man would be. Inside this hole, there's a white plate with remnants of a cake, which matches the color of the shirt. The cake looks partially eaten, with crumbs scattered around the plate and onto the lap of the sculpture. The background is entirely covered with newspaper clippings, adding a busy, textured look to the scene. The overall setting gives an impression of a surreal, artistic installation.